Terms & Conditions

admissionopen.helpuindia.com Terms & Conditions

Together with all other terms and legal notices featured on admissionopen.helpuindia.com, your use of admissionopen.helpuindia.com (the "Website") is subject to the following terms and conditions (collectively, the "Terms"). The owner and operator of the website is Beniwal Education Pvt. Ltd., hereby referred to as the "Company."

Your use of the Platform, including any subdomains, other websites the Website uses to make its services available (collectively, "Site"), our applications for smartphones, tablets, and other smart devices, and application program interfaces (collectively, "Application") are governed by the User who visits the Website in connection with using our services, or whose information the Company otherwise receives in connection with the services provided through its education business ("You"). A binding contract between the User and the Company is created by these Terms of Use ("Terms"). The Application and the Site together are referred to as the "Platform".

Use of any part of the Platform or downloading of any content from it requires your acceptance of and adherence to these Terms and Privacy Policy. Don't use this platform if you don't agree to abide by all of the terms and the privacy statement.

These Terms bind you and your successors, assigns, heirs, and representatives, as applicable. It is not intended for the headers of the various articles and subdivisions of these Terms to have any additional meaning, legal import, or effect; they are merely supplied for convenience of reference.


You certify and ensure that:
1.Under using the Platform or gaining access to it, You represent and warrant that You are of legal age, have the requisite legal capacity, and are permitted to enter into contracts under the relevant laws. You don't have any restrictions, either legal or otherwise, that would keep you from following these terms or from installing and using the products you purchase in a way that poses the least risk to others or yourself. You also declare that you will not purchase the products or services with the intention of reselling them to other individuals and that you will not do so without the company's prior written consent.
2.It is lawful for you to accomplish the goal "herein after defined."


By signing up, you agree to:
• Allowing your contact details to be accessed by the Platform's business colleagues and partners. Asking for more information or pertaining to the registration process, the Platform or its partners may contact you by phone, email, or SMS.
• Receive offers via email or special discounts from Platform or any of its affiliated websites or applications. In the "Accounts & Settings" section of the platform, or after registration, please modify your settings if you would rather not receive notifications from the platform.
• As per your selected preferences, have Beniwal Education Pvt. Ltd. get in touch with you.


Students can examine colleges, programs, and examinations that interest them, as well as related services, by using the platform to learn more, look into possibilities, and conduct research. Potential students and colleges, universities, coaching institutes, etc. can connect more easily thanks to the platform.The contact details of the user will be shared with colleges, educational institutions, coaching centers, and other organizations if the user has indicated interest in becoming a student there or if they have been identified as a potential applicant.

Utilize in a manner consistent with the goal

The product or platform that you use or subscribe to, whether or not you pay for it, is only meant for your use. Any unauthorized use of the Platform or Service, such as downloading, reproducing, sublicensing, sharing, or copying in any manner that contravenes these conditions, is forbidden. In order to preserve its good name or prevent financial loss, the Company may file a lawsuit, demand damages, halt Your service or access, and notify the relevant authorities of the incident. If it is found that You are replicating, abusing, transmitting, scraping, or crawling any data, graphics, or other information available on the Platform or Product for any purpose other than that which is lawful, We reserve the right to take any appropriate action, including blocking access and pursuing damages.
1. The data you have supplied is accurate and correct:
• By using this platform, you consent to only provide truthful and accurate data, and if you establish a profile, you guarantee that the data will always be up to date.
• We reserve the right to remove or suspend any profile or content that impersonates someone else or presents false, incomplete, outdated, or misleading information.
• Verify that your contact information is up to date; providing false or misleading information on its own could lead to service termination. It may also prevent us from contacting you as a result.
2. Accountability for activities, content, and password security:
• You are solely responsible for any actions made in connection with the Platform, including any activities that occur under the account;
• If you have registered on the platform, you are required to ensure the security and safety of your log-in credentials; do not divulge them to third parties.
• You should be cautious when posting and refrain from sharing passwords. All actions made on the Platform via a user's account are presumed to have been authorized by the proper authorities and to have obtained all necessary legal clearances.
• The Platform might have links to third-party websites and applications. These links are provided purely for your convenience and should not be seen as an approval of the material found on the websites or applications they link to. You do so at your own risk if You decide to use these websites or applications.

Use of the Platform

1. The products and services made available on the Platform are only meant to be used for your personal use and for legitimate, justifiable objectives falling within the scope of the Purpose. The exclusive and exclusive power to determine whether a particular course of action or usage is allowed under the conditions of the purpose is possessed by the Company.
2. The actions listed below are strictly prohibited and will be regarded as improper use of the site, among other things:
a. No content, data, or information, including profiles, images, and/or graphics, may be copied, extracted, downloaded, shared, altered, sold, stored, distributed, created into derivative works, or used in any way that conflicts with the intent behind the platform or with these terms. This also applies to any services or goods offered by the company. You may not utilize or take advantage of the Platform, or any information or materials on it, for the following purposes: (a) undertaking any business ventures without the company's prior written consent; and/or (b) carrying out any commercial activity that would place your company in direct competition with its;
b. A user may use or attempt to use any automated program, software, system, or comparable or equivalent process to access, navigate, search, copy, monitor, download, scrape, crawl, or otherwise extract data or content from the Platform (including spiders, robots, crawlers, browser plug-ins/extensions/add-ons, iframes on third-party sites, mirroring, HTML parsers, etc.);
c. Using any technology to replicate Platform services or their features in any way, overlaying another product on top of them, or changing the appearance of Platform services without the express permission of the Company.
d. Attempting or succeeding to obtain unauthorized access to any of the following, whether by hacking, password "mining," or other means: (a) any aspect of the platform that isn't intended for you, or any products or services offered on it; (b) any server, platform, software, or computer systems that belong to the business, Users, or other third parties;
e. In order to offer goods or services that are identical to or could in any way rival those of the Company, it is forbidden to;use interfaces to access the Platform other than those that the Company has specifically specified;
f. probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of the Company's system or network, or attempt to get around any security or authentication measures put in place by the Company with regard to the Platform;
g. use any method, whether automatic or manual, to scrape, download (including bulk downloads), duplicate, or otherwise extract information or data from the Platform;
h. Extracting the source code for the website, application, or related technology, in whole or in part; reverse engineering; disassembling, decompiling, decoding; or trying any of the aforementioned operations;
i. Making an attempt to circumvent any technological measures taken by the Company or any other party to protect the content on the Platform and/or stop robots, spiders, or other similar devices from crawling and/or scraping content off the Platform.
j. By any means (such as the use of any tool, program, or habit), interfering with, upsetting, or attempting to disturb another User's use of the Platform or any related computer networks;
k. Assuming a fake identity or affiliation with a someone or group, or pretending to be someone else or an organization;
l. Phasing headers or manipulating identifiers in any other way in order to hide the origin of any user data;
m. In any manner harassing, threatening, or upsetting a different user;
n. Burdening the platform's infrastructure with an unwarranted or unduly burdensome load;
o. Entering deeplinks into this Platform (or any part of it) and, without the Company's prior permission, "framing," "mirroring," or imitating the appearance or features of the Platform (or any part of it);
p. Spamming the platform/business or any other users; this includes uploading, posting, sending, emailing, or in any other manner making any unsolicited commercial or bulk communications available, whether directly or indirectly.
q. conserving, modifying, uploading, publishing, transmitting, publishing, or distributing any information or material that:
i. It is not your property and belongs to someone else;
ii. It violates, impairs, or in any other way violates the Company's or any third party's rights, including any copyright, trademark, patent, privacy or publicity rights, or other proprietary rights;
iii. It is not in compliance with any currently in effect local, provincial, state, statute, ordinance, rule, or regulation;
iv. Contains malware or other computer code, files, or programs designed to disrupt, destroy, or impair the functionality of the Platform or any other computer system or resource;
v. Is blatantly offensive, abusive, harassing, invading another person's privacy, hateful, disparaging, connected to or incites money laundering or gambling in any way; any content that is or could be interpreted as defamatory, libelous, abusive, harassing, vulgar, pornographic, paedophilic, obscene, or otherwise illegal in any way;
vi. Which amounts to or encourages behavior that would be illegal, subject to further penalties, or break the law;
vii. That conveys any content that is plainly insulting or ominous in nature, or that misleads the recipient about the source of such communications;
viii. That puts minors in danger in any way;
ix. That jeopardizes peaceable relations with other governments, public order, the unity, integrity, defense, security, or sovereignty of India; rebuffs efforts to investigate criminal activity, encourages the commission of crimes that are illegal, or is offensive to any other nation.

Material Restrictions

1. All information, documents, software, pictures, photos, text, and other similar materials (collectively, "Materials") contained in this Platform are copyrighted works of the Company and/or the Third Party Providers, if supplied by the Company or its third-party authors, developers, and vendors ("Third Party Providers") and capable of being so protected. Aside from what is allowed by law, neither the Company nor the Third Party Provider may copy, reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post, or transmit any of the Materials in any way, including but not limited to electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without first obtaining the express written consent of both parties. Any logos, graphics, sounds, or images on the Platform may not be copied or retransmitted without the company's prior, express written approval. Additionally, without first gaining the express written authorization of Beniwal Education Pvt.Ltd., you are not permitted to "mirror" any of the Materials on this Platform on any other server.
2. No information on this Platform should be understood, explicitly or implicitly, to provide any license under any intellectual property rights that Beniwal Education Pvt.Ltd. or any Third Party Provider possesses. You realize it is your personal duty to obtain any such licenses.
3. The materials of Beniwal Education Pvt.Ltd may be accessed, reproduced, distributed, and downloaded on this platform provided that the following requirements are satisfied: (1) the materials contain the copyright notice below and this permission notice; (2) the use of the materials is limited to non-commercial, personal, and informational purposes; and (3) no modifications are made to any of the materials. This authorization terminates immediately and without notice if You breach any of these Terms. Immediately upon termination, you will remove any materials that you have downloaded or printed. Any unauthorized use of the materials on this platform could be against the law and could result in consequences for copyright, trademark, and other violations.
4. The materials provided by Third Party Providers have not been independently validated by the Company, either in whole or in part. None of the other materials—aside from those that are clearly identified as being offered by the Company—are supplied, offered, bought, leased, or licensed by the Platform. Our organization is committed to protecting others' intellectual property rights, and we respectfully ask that users do the same. At the sole discretion of Company (hereafter referred to as "We"), users who infringe or breach the intellectual property rights of others may have their access rights terminated or limited.

Disclaimer for websites that we link to

We strive to ensure the following:
• the websites and apps we select for the Platform are appropriate and helpful;
• they operate without causing harm to our users' devices;
• and they perform and remain functional.
With respect to the websites that we provide links to, we hereby explicitly disclaim all duty and assume no responsibility for any of the following:
• Defamatory or illegal content;
• harm from downloaded software;
• computer virus infection;
• technological problems, malfunctions, and operating speed;
• and the correctness or veracity of any information supplied.

Dispute Settlement

Any dispute arising between a user or users and the company concerning the use of the Platform or, at a later date, the validity, interpretation, application, or alleged breach of any provision of these terms, will be brought before a single arbitrator, a third party selected by the company to be neutral and independent. The parties to the dispute must abide by the arbitrator's final and enforceable ruling. The arbitration will happen in India's Fatehabad, in the state of Haryana. The 1996 Amendments to the Arbitration & Conciliation Act shall govern the arbitration procedure. The Company will not be involved in any legal action that arises between a User (such as a subscriber) and someone they contact through the website. Even though the Company has no further control over the matter, it will be liable for recovering its expenses from the person that first referred the Company in the event that it is made a party in any legal actions. The business will, however, abide with any court order that is properly delivered to it.